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Friday, October 11, 2013

Open house at Fire Station 2 in Easley, SC #firesafety #nationalfireprevention

Yesterday evening we enjoyed visiting Fire Station 2 in Easley, SC for their annual open house. They host this community event to educate us all about fire safety. 

My son is obsessed with being a fireman.  He really studies firefighters, down to watching how they fold their gear up to be ready in seconds for an emergency. I really believe one day he will join the ranks of our local firefighter hero's. 

Open house included fire safety education coupled with a chance for children to meet local firefighters, police officers, game wardens, EMS, and more.  Children were able to sit in police cars, firetrucks, and even an ambulance!  Fun fire safety mascot's included Freddie the Fire Cat, Sparky the Fire Dog, and Sparky the Robot. Tony, the Easley drug dog was also there.  Children were able to put out a miniature fire and learn about what to do in a true emergency.  We also went into a fire simulator and actually got down and crawled out. It helped kids practice exactly what to do in case of a fire. 


 Children learned about 911, seatbelt safety, how to roll out of bed in the event of an emergency and crawl to safety. It is vital that children know what to do in an emergency! 

I sincerely thank our local firefighters, police department, medical emergency responders,and all of those  people who help keep our families safe!   We thoroughly enjoyed open house!!! Thanks for educating my family and allowing us to visit!

National Fire Prevention Week is October 6-12

For more life saving information, please visit  the National Fire Protection Association.

Fire Station 2 is located at 180 Glenwood Road, Easley, SC


The 2013 Smoke Detector campaign kicks off on October 14, 2013.  Read more about this campaign from their website.

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